Ignite the Night Dinner Auction
St. Ignatius Catholic School is dedicated to making the school accessible to every student who wishes to attend. Funds raised at Ignite the Night will go directly to St. Ignatius Catholic School and the St. Ignatius Foundation to keep tuition costs affordable for all students and to provide tuition assistance to students who would not otherwise be able to attend the school. Join us for dinner, live, silent and dessert auction, wine pull and much more. Register online HERE.
Even if you cannot attend, you can still support this event. We still need donations for the silent and live auction (contact tink@prairiemed.com & sfhfmobile@gmail.com).
Also, we need VOLUNTEERS for the St. Ignatius Auction & Dinner on February 3! There are many ways to help out and you can volunteer and still attend the auction. To view open spots and to sign up, go to http://signup.com/go/pRztGf